House rules on Mauro Cappelletti Book Prize
Cappelletti Book Prize


House rules on guidelines for congresses, colloquia and other kinds of academic meetings related to the IAPL
Approved by the Council of the IAPL on 11th September 2013

1. Different kinds of academic meetings related to IAPL
IAPL can be related to the organisation of different kinds of academic meetings:
a) World congresses of Procedural Law.
b) Annual conferences or colloquia.
c) Other kinds of academic meetings organized by the members of the IAPL.
These guidelines are applicable to world congresses and conferences or colloquia.
The IAPL can support other kinds of academic meetings on subject of procedural law if:
a) IAPL is asked for this support by the organizer, who is a member of the Association.
b) The program of the meeting reaches enough level of quality in the opinion of the presidium.

2. Congresses and conferences or colloquia main theme, dates and programme
The main theme, the dates and the programme of the Congress or conference will be determined by the presidium and the organizer by mutual consent, after an appropriate negotiation.
Except for the World Congress, it is not required that all colloquia would be organized around national reports and general reporters. Colloquia might also be organized around themes and scholars invited to propose paper topics and panel topics that would not be structured around individual nations.
Colloquia organizers are strongly encouraged to issue a "call for papers" and to schedule sessions in which such papers could be presented and discussed.
The presidium will take account of proposals of additional academic activities that, in organizer’s opinion, could be especially interesting to the audience of the country where the event will take place.

3. General reporters and their commitment to facilitate the publication of reports and their translation
The general reporters will be appointed by the presidium after an appropriate negotiation with the organizer.
In this negotiation every effort shall be made to select the leading scholars in the relevant areas as general reporters and that a diversity of backgrounds and viewpoints be given a high priority.
The organizer can set guidelines on:
a) The length and format of the report as well as the deadline for submitting it. b) The maximum time envisaged for the report and the requirement for advance submission of the abridged version that the speaker intends to present during the sessions in order to facilitate the translation services.

4. Travel and accommodation expenses for the general speakers
The organizer will offer each general speaker a round-trip economy-class airline ticket between his/her country of residence and the city where the event will take place. The tickets will be purchased by the organizer at the most advantageous possible price and trying, as far as possible, to meet the speakers’ preferences. The organizer will book accommodation for the general speakers in a suitable hotel since the date before at the start of the colloquium or conference and until the day following its ending, as well as take charge of their maintenance costs for this period. The presidium can accept variations to these obligations if it is advisable by particular circumstances. The organizer has to keep general reporters well informed about these questions.

5. Expenses of members of the IAPL presidium and honorary members
Members of the presidium of IAPL/and the honorary members of IAPL are exempt from payment of registration fees. The organizer will book accommodation for the members of the IAPL presidium and former members of the presidium of the IAPL coming to take part in the congress or colloquium or conference, as well as meeting their maintenance in the same terms as the general reporters. The organizer will contribute partially to the payment of the travel costs of members of the presidium when they formally participate in the proceedings of the congress or colloquium.

6. Advertising for the congress or colloquium or conference
As well as any advertising that the IAPL should organise itself, especially through its website, the organizer will undertake to publicize the congress or colloquium or conference as follows: a) Creating a website showing the most relevant information of the event in the five official languages of the congress or colloquium or conference. b) Sending email messages to the email addresses provided by the IAPL, to national and international associations of procedural law, and to experts in procedural law in the country where the event will take place. c) Publishing as many posters and leaflets for mailing that the organizer regards as opportune.

7. Official languages of the congress or colloquium or conference
In case of a congress, translation for the five official languages of the IAPL must be available. If it is not possible because of a lack of translation services in the country, the organizer would have to ensure translation, at least, into English and other two official languages of the IAPL. In case of colloquium or conference, translation for, at least, one official language of the IAPL must be available. In case that the official language in the country where the colloquium takes place is an official language of the IAPL, translation for, at least, another official language of the IAPL must be available.

8. Publication of general reports, national reports and other kinds of papers
The organizer will take responsibility for publishing a book containing the general reports of the congress or colloquium or conference, or the main papers of the colloquium or conference, if they are not organized around general and national reports. To facilitate administration and keep publishing costs down, it will put a limit on the length of the reports and establish a deadline for them to be sent to the organizer. In any case, general reports and other kinds of main papers will be posted on line in advance of the congress, colloquium or conference. The presidium will appreciate especially that the book will be handed out to people registered at the beginning of the colloquium or conference, but this is not a necessary condition. The presidium will also appreciate that the organizer undertakes to publish a suitable electronic support containing the national reports and also presentations submitted in compliance with the required formats, length and deadlines established by the organizer. The documentation of the congress or conference, which will be delivered to the attendants, will include a summary in English of every general report. In case that English is the official language in the country where the congress or colloquium takes place, documentation will include a summary of every general report in another official language of the IAPL.

9. Registration fees
The organizer will establish a registration fee and a method with easy access for its payment. The general reporters, members of the IAPL presidium, national reporters and honorary members of the IAPL will be exempt from paying the registration fees. The organizer will try setting a reduced registration fee: a) For people who register well in advance. b) For members of the IAPL who are up to date with their membership fees. c) For a certain number of young scholars from developing and under-represented countries. Whenever the exemption or reduction of the registration fee is conditional upon membership of the IAPL, the list of IAPL members sent by the Secretary General of the IAPL to the organizer will be used to establish this status.

10. Provision of hotel services for people registered for the colloquium
The organizer, acting through tourist sector companies whose name and contact details will be duly announced in the media advertising the event, will provide information on accommodation in the city where the event will take place for the dates of the congress, colloquium or conference. If possible the organizer will do its best to ensure that people registered for the congress, colloquium or conference is offered special rates for these dates.

11. Social activities related to the academic event
The organizer will give a program of social and cultural activities. The presidium will appreciate especially if this program includes some opportunity to approach the knowledge of the judicial system in the country, particularly with the visit of a Supreme or a High Court. The organizer can include in the website information about travel agencies so that attendants to the academic event would be able to carry out tourism in the country.

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