The Third Edition of the English version of the Dutch Code of Civil Procedure, updated as of 1 January 2025, is available to all interested parties.
Click here to access.

Michele Taruffo's monograph 'Studi sulla rilevanza della prova' (1970) is now available in open access at the following link


Sergio Chiarloni's manual 'Introduzione allo studio del diritto processuale civile' (1975) is now available in open access at the following link


The Open Access Publisher of the Roma Tre University has launched a re-edition of Piero Calamandrei’s legal studies. They are distributed in 10 volumes, prepared by Mauro Cappelletti between 1966 and 1986 and which were nowadays very difficult to find. This link will give you direct access to all of them.


Greek and foreign civil procedural systems (edit. Makridou-Diamantopoulos). 

Since 2012, the Department of Procedural Law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki has periodically organized conferences, with the aim of comparing the Greek procedural system with those of other European countries. The results of these conferences, published in a series of books edited by Kalliopi Makridou and Georgios Diamantopoulos, have been generously made available by Sakkoulas Publications to the members of the Association and are accessible through the links below.

Volume 1. Issues of estoppel and res judicata in Anglo-American and Greek law (2014)

Volume 2. Civil trial of first and second instance according to Swiss and Greek law (2014)

Volume 3. Provisional measures in Italian and Greek procedural law (2016)

Volume 4. Evidence in Spanish and Greek procedural law (2018)

Volume 5. Relations between judge and parties in German and Greek civil trial. Case management and “Aufklärungspflicht“ (2020)

Volume 6. Cassation in French and Greek procedural law (2022)


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